Looking to expand the workout music playlist, any suggestions?
Here is something you’ll undoubtedly hear all the time……."If you aren’t eating correctly, there’s no point in training!” Now whilst I’m not quite inclined to agree with this it does carry some merit, especially if we look at the benefits of correct nutrition, PRE, DURING and POST exercise. The benefits of eating in the right ways include: 1) Greater fat loss 3) Greater mental clarity 4) Greater physical performance 2) Greater rate of recovery (Think muscle growth!) WHY YOU NEED TO EAT BEFORE COMPETING For athletes competing in the mornings, the PRE-COMPETITION meal takes on a greater significance. The overnight fast whilst asleep has depleted a lot of your stored carbs. You gotta break the FAST, refuel the body with CARBS and RE-HYDRATE the body. It takes 3-4 hours to digest, absorb and most importantly, STORE energy in your muscles. Stick to eating carbs and lean protein BECAUSE: 1) Carbs digest and absorb into the body faster than anything else 2) ...
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