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Showing posts from June, 2011

The Habits Of Highly Effective Athletes

I read a lot of books, one of which I’ve found has a lot of parallels with sport and the behaviour of athletes. The book I’m on about is called ‘The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People’ by Stephen R. Covey. Let me explain what I’ve found and how it can benefit you as an athlete. You must start with the end in mind. If you can’t visualise or don’t visualise what the end goal will be AND how it will make you feel then you will definitely be more likely to quit. So focus on what you want to achieve, like making the county squad or the youth academy squad, AND THEN focus on HOW IT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL. Proud? Happy? Satisfied? Always keep the focus on both of these points and your motivation will go through the roof! Be Proactive. Plan out your weeks diet. Plan recovery sessions and days off. Set a bedtime for yourself so you always wake up rested and relaxed. Be in charge of your day. Only you can make changes in your life. Let me make a simple point here…How do you think profess...